Athlete support

We offer essential sporting and academic support for student athletes who are committed to succeeding on the international stage.

Support on offer

Athlete support Bronze Silver Gold

Financial Award (at discretion of Performance Sport)

Up to £1,000 Up to £3,000 Up to £10,000

Strength & Conditioning (including tailored programmes and expert tuition)

2 sessions per week 2 sessions per week 3+ sessions per week

High Quality Coaching

Included Included Included
Facility Access (Including Performance Gym) Included Included Included

Branded kit

Included Included Included

Athlete Workshops - Performance Lifestyle, Psychology, Nutrition and Anti-doping (min 3 per year)

Included Included Included

Anti-doping (group and/or individual)

Included Included Included

Academic flexibility (where feasible)

Included Included Included

Athlete Mentoring (within specific sport)

Included Included Included

Performance Lifestyle (Individually tailored)

x Included Included

Psychology (Individually tailored, on referral)

x Included Included

Nutrition (Individually tailored, on referral)

x Included Included

Physiotherapy (via FASIC, on referral)

x Included Included

Total cash equivalent value (including Financial Award) per year

Up to £6000 Up to £12,000 Up to £20,000

Further Information