Club Anniversaries

This year marks a significant milestone for five distinguished sports clubs as they celebrate their anniversaries as Sports Union member clubs in 2024.

Over the years, these clubs have not only achieved remarkable success but have also created legacies, with alumni from these clubs going on to perform on the international sports stage, and delivering exceptional sporting experiences for students at the University of Edinburgh. As they commemorate these anniversaries, we reflect on their impressive achievements and memories from past and present club members.

Established in 1949, we are celebrating 75 years of our Basketball Club! 

Notable highlights include:  

  • 2022/23 Lillywhite Shield Winners, for the most outstanding Club of the Year
  • Both Men’s and Women’s 1’s were SSS Champions in the 2022/23 season 
  • Club alumni including; Sian Phillips, Claire Paxton and Hannah Robb all represented Team Scotland at the 2022 Commonwealth Games 


“Whilst studying for my PhD in Economics, I played for the Edinburgh University Basketball team.  The team was coached by one of its members each year, and by myself in the second and third years.  We won both the local league and the Scottish Universities league multiple times during the three years. The sport was just taking off in Scotland and we had a good mix of Americans studying at Edinburgh and Scots who were learning and growing in the game.  I also played for the Scotland Universities team, which came in first in the British Universities Tournament in the spring of 1981”. 

-Bill (William) Clyde, Club Member 1980-1983, Blues recipient 1982/83


“EUBC has a family feel to it – unlike many clubs in the uni, the Men’s and Women’s side of the club are joined together allowing for a greater sense of community. Seeing Men’s 1s players reffing Women’s 3’s games, W2’s coaching the M3’s, and M2’s tabling W1 games is just a small snippet of how involved everyone is which has made the club such an amazing thing to be a part of for the past 4 years and something that I am certainly going to miss.” 

- Tom Busby 2022-24 Club President, Colours recipient 2023/24



Celebrating 75 years of the Basketball Club Alumni Event The club hosted an alumni day providing an amazing opportunity to connect with some of our Alumni through a current EUBC vs Alumni game and then had an evening drinks event where we shared stories of times both recent and past. Over 40 alumni were able to engage with the club and attend the event.   

Established in 1949, we are celebrating 75 years of our Squash Club! 

Notable highlights include:  

  • Alumni including; Alan Clyne, Carrie Hallam and Georgia Adderley have represented Scotland at the Commonwealth Games. 
  • Alan Clyne was inducted into the University of Edinburgh Sport Hall of Fame in 2020 for his excellent sporting performances at world level.
  • The club’s Women’s 1’s have consistently finished in the top 4 in the BUCS National Championship over the past 5 years.


“I was a member of the University Squash Club 1968-1973, while I was a dental student in Edinburgh. I played for the University 1st V between 1970-1973 and was Honorary Secretary of the Club between 1970 and 1972. I have special memories, including being selected to play for the Scottish Universities in 1972-1973, the team camaraderie, and becoming a member of Edinburgh Sports Club.  

- Nairn Wilson – Club Member 1968-1973


“The club was so special because of the friendships I built, the group of guys I played with in the men's 2nd team became part of my close friend group throughout my time and have continued as good friends over the years. In fact, one of them is now my oldest friend, godfather to my son and I still stay in touch with now that we are the other side of 50!” 

- Tim Bosworth – Club Alumni


"It's been amazing to see the club grow over the years at all levels, increasing participation of girls particularly over the past few years and with our performance players continually producing great results both in BUCS and individually with the help of great coaching and team spirit. But its the people that make the club, with players meeting some of their best friends whether they are trying the sport for the first time together or helping each other through early morning training sessions." 

- Siobhan, Incoming Club President 2024/25  

Established in 1964, we are celebrating 60 years of our Orienteering Club! 

Notable highlights include: 

  • The club have the BUCS Orienteering Championships title for the 10 years 
  • Lillywhite Shield Club of the Year winners 9 times between 1975-2022 
  • Three club alumni have been inducted into the University of Edinburgh Sport Hall of Fame Jonathon Duncan (2010 Inductee), Yvette Baker (2011 Inductee) and Linnea Gustafsson (2015 inductee). 


Notable alumni -  Yvette Baker (nee Hague):

World Orienteering Champs 1999 short Course Winner, 1997 Long distance 3rd Place.  The annual Yvette Baker Trophy and Shield inter-club junior orienteering competition in the UK is named for her.  Yvette Baker inducted into the Edinburgh University Hall of Fame in 2011. 

“My most exciting experience was going to the British University Championships in Buckinghamshire, where the terrain was so different from Scotland. Now in my 70s, I have taken it up again and am enjoying it all over again.  My training in Edinburgh has definitely stayed with me.” 

-  Alison Lennox (nee Eggo) - Alumni Member


2nd year club member “It is inspiring to be able to represent EUOC, particularly as the club is an incredibly passionate and supportive community for students at all stages in the sport.” 

-Isobel Howard, Club Member

Established in 1974, we are celebrating 50 years of our Motorsport Club! 

Notable highlights include:  

  • Doug Cochrane and Ian Barclay ESACC Navigational Rally Champions 1988   
  • Motorsport UK Club of the Year 2000   
  • 2009-10: Motor Sport Club – Col R.B. Most improved 

Notable Alumni - Robert Reid, club member 1986-1989, World Rally Champion Navigator in 2001 


“I loved being in Edinburgh University Motor Sport Club, through the club I met lots of lifelong friends and developed an interest in motorsport which continues to this day. I have continued stage rallying since university and indeed will be travelling again to Rally Barbados to compete. My service crew is made up with friends from my days at EUMSC and their families.” 

-Ian Barclay, Club Captain 1988/89


“My time at the Motor Sport Club gave me my best memories from university. It was a warm, welcoming and friendly club with lots of people who shared my passion for the sport, and together we organised countless events over the years that helped get other students get involved as well. From rallying, to go-karting and marshalling at national events, we got involved in all aspects of the sport, and met some amazing people along the way. Many of my closest friends today are people I met through the Motor Sports Club, and we enjoy keeping in touch to see how the younger generations choose to shape the club.” 

-Scott Douglas, 2006-2010, former Captain, President and Secretary


“One of my many favorite things about the Motorsport Club is learning about the many fantastic sporting achievements of past members throughout the club's long history. A part of what makes the club special is how unique the sport is, but also how diverse it is in its competitions, people and worthwhile experiences it can provide. Over the past few years it has been great to see the club community grow, with many friendships created and strengthened within the club and in the wider motorsport community.” 

-Alistair Murison, Vice-President 2023/24


Celebrating 50 years of the Motorsports Club  

The club held their annual alumni event on Saturday 13th April which included a navigational event and a dinner. The navigational event consisted of many fun challenges for the alumni to tackle while driving around Edinburgh and the east coast. They had to use navigational clues to find small boards with a code on them while making some pitstops to take some fun team photos with various things. Later in the evening they held the alumni dinner at a local restaurant in which we had 32 past members attend. The alumni got to catch up with old friends while sharing stories of their time in the club with other generations of members. 

Established in 1999, we are celebrating 25 years of our Triathlon Club! 

Notable highlights include:  

  • The club have 5 current athletes competing at international level 
  • Alan Chainey Award 2019-20, Linda McLean, Triathlon – who helped develop elite individual and team performances, as well as supporting the recruitment and training of student coaches. 
  • Club members have been nationally recognised, being awarded Young Coach of the Year by Scottish Triathlon in 2021 (Hannah Campbell) and 2023 (Isla Britton).


“My favourite memory of the club was the home support when racing in the 2010 World Age Group Duathlon Championships in Holyrood Park. Several members of the club were racing and many more were supporting on the course with the 'Mon the EUTri banner on display - this was new at that time and looks to be still travelling to events with the club today! Plus I probably should mention that I met my future wife in EuTri!” 

- Craig Dale, Club Member 2006-2011   Accolades: Bronze at BUCS Standard Championships and 2x Scottish Sprint Triathlon Champion and Middle Distance Triathlon Champion.   


“Being part of EUTri was one of the highlights of my time in Edinburgh. The club has such a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and the range of training the clubs offers was perfect for someone new to cycling and running. I got to try my hand racing both triathlons and duathlons in a support, pressure-free environment too. The social side of the club was also really important to me, and I certainly made some friends for life!”

-Conor Carleton, Club member 2021-2023


  Celebrating 25 years of the Triathlon Club Alumni Event

To celebrate the milestone anniversary, the club hosted an Alumni Ceilidh in March, with 50 alumni in attendance.   

Basketball Team Photo 1989-90
75 years of the Basketball Club, team photo from 1989-90