On Wednesday, March 20th, Edinburgh University Sports Union hosted the inaugural Sports Union Games. Image The games brought together over 150 participants, spanning seven sports and participants representing an impressive 29 nations in their teams, the event embodied the diverse community at the University of Edinburgh. In the Badminton finals, it was England and Zimbabwe battling it out on the court, with England emerging victorious in a thrilling match. Spain triumphed over China in a nail-biting Basketball showdown, while Singapore claimed victory over Canada in the fast-paced game of Pickleball. After a tight competition, Squash saw an exciting tie between Estonia and Canada. In Table Tennis, China emerged as the champions after a closely contested match against Turkey, and to round off the day Scotland emerged triumphant over Ireland in a thrilling Touch Rugby final. Image The event was made possible through the support of the Student Experience Grant, allowing all participants to enjoy a complimentary meal at the Pleasance Café. Additionally, winners were awarded bespoke Sports Union Games t-shirts, serving as a tangible memento of their achievements on the day. What truly made the Sports Union Games special was the inclusive and welcoming atmosphere throughout the event. Students of all experience levels came together to celebrate their love for sport, fostering a sense of community and belonging, with many participants expressing gratitude for the opportunity to compete in a fun and recreational setting. Relevant Information Edinburgh University Sports Union (external link) This article was published on 2024-05-13