Over 130 student club committee members attended this years EUSU Club Conference at Moray House, the first major touch-point of the new season for sports volunteers. With 800+ volunteers leading our 70 clubs it is vital to ensure this group of students have the right support to undertake their roles effectively over the coming year. Embedding good practice Following the Lime Culture review the Sports Union was keen to embed club culture good practice within the breakout sessions. Mhairi Maclennan, a former University of Edinburgh student athlete, from Kyniska Advocacy delivered an inspiring session on how we can create healthier environments within our sports clubs, focusing on the role of policy, people and education. Image Fair Play Foundation’s Mark Reid tackled issues of racism and sectarianism in sport, challenging students to confront their biases and educate their club members on how to recognise and challenge abuse. Student wellbeing Alongside sessions on culture, Dr Stephanie Adams educated students on how to recognise symptoms of concussion and support their teammates safe return to play. The ground-breaking ConcussEd training provides vital knowledge to participants to ensure that the message of If In Doubt, Sit Them Out is embedded in sport at Edinburgh to place player safety at the heart of everything we do. We also took the opportunity to undertake a consultation with students on what active health means to them and the role it should play in student wellbeing and experience in the future. Image Looking ahead The day started with an inspiring welcome address from Lucy Evans, Deputy Secretary, Students, encouraging the group to make the most of the year ahead. Closing off the day there was an opportunity to hear more from new Director of Sport and Active Health, Mark Munro, about his career journey and motivations, as well as getting an insight into our ambition for sport at Edinburgh. Related Links Edinburgh University Sports Union (external site) This article was published on 2024-05-13