The University of Edinburgh is leading the way in rolling out concussion education on a scale not seen anywhere else in student sport across the UK. Through a partnership between Edinburgh University Sports Union, The University of Edinburgh's FASIC Sport and Exercise Medicine Clinic, and concussion research and knowledge exchange group, ConcussEd, students and coaches at the University are being given priority access to a pioneering approach to educating student athletes on safe return to play and study. Throughout February almost 200 students and coaches have taken part in a new online education module designed in partnership with Dr Stephanie Adams, a concussion education expert and Honorary Fellow in Brain Health and Sport at the University of Edinburgh. Participants of the online module have commented; I previously didn't consider the severity of a concussion and had no idea how to manage one. I now feel well informed and feel able to point people to resources which may help them. I didn't know that concussion affected your ability to learn and focus. I also didn't know about having to cut out screen time in order to aid recovery. I can use my new knowledge within the club... putting athletes on track to recovery. Dr Adams, who leads the ConcussEd research and knowledge exchange group said; The online module is a first of its kind in student sport, which serves as an important tool to educate a greater number of student athletes and coaches. Knowing what to do when and if a concussion occurs is key. This course ensures students feel more equipped to deal with concussion, which includes returning to their studies as well as their sport. Accompanying the online module is a 2-part workshop allowing participants to: Understand what a concussion is and how to spot the various signs and symptoms in yourself and others Gain a better understanding of how concussions happen, the consequences that happen throughout the brain and body, and how this relates to daily functioning, performance and recovery Learn about the potential short- and long-term effects of concussions on our health and well-being Hear real-life concussion stories and practice hypothetical scenarios Understand how to appropriately respond to concussion and use the recommended steps for managing the injury on and off the field/classroom Consider their role in concussion, and learn about and develop practical strategies and resources for themselves and their sport Receive a Certificate of Achievement Over the next few weeks the University will also be sharing campaign assets from the sportscotland "If in doubt, sit them out" campaign across it's sport facilities to further increase concussion awareness within the student, staff and wider sporting community. Related links Edinburgh University Sports Union (external link) FASIC Sport & Exercise Medicine Clinic ConcussED homepage (external link) sportscotland "If in doubt, sit it out" campaign (external link) Publication date 24 Feb, 2023